Sunday, 4 November 2012

Conventions of my Film Genre: Film Noir

1 comment:

  1. Need specific examples and images for lighting, actors, props, settings (also say how/why they're used...their connotations, etc.)

    What else can you think of for iconography in Film Noirs? Props, signs, symbols...these could be anything from expressions, to certain actors, low key lighting...anything. Again, back this section up with images and examples from appropriate films.

    Can you find any clips to use (i.e. The Third Man opening to demonstrate narrative)? Same for sound. How is it used in the genre? Find a scene full of silence and tension and put it up.

    Some nice stuff in here but lacking the depth, detail and frequency of examples to reach level 4 at this stage. Update it and i'll remark. Currently Level 3 - B/C
